
Computer vision

Intelligent CCTV

Machine vision technologies are expanding their range of applications every year. With the constant development of optical and computer technology, more and more engineering problems can be solved in an elegant way, using software processing of video sequences with the connection of neural network algorithms.

An example of such application is the system for recording the appearance of people in the operation area of equipment that is dangerous to their lives. Such control is especially relevant in large industrial enterprises, where special attention is paid to the personnel safety.

Such system, working under control of specialized software, automatically detects the appearance of a person in a dangerous area and is capable of generating a signal to stop operating equipment.

By intelligent processing of video data, it is possible to solve such related tasks as:

  • Monitoring the people presence in the restricted/dangerous area
  • Time-keeping - timing of the presence of personnel at the workplace
  • Monitoring the availability of personal protective equipment on staff (helmet, mask)